The Fuse Platform



Hundreds of best practices, carefully curated industry-standard components and battle-tested infrastructure. Maintained by a team that knows the mobile ecosystem inside-out.

The Fuse Platform is built ground-up on TypeScript for both backend and frontend, React for web apps, and React Native for iOS and Android apps, giving full-stack type safety.


Proven Components

The Fuse Platform consists of components that have already been tested and proven in numerous other projects, drastically reducing the risk of bugs as well as shortening the overall development time. This does not sacrifice customizability. Whenever needed, custom UI/UX components can be added for each brand’s unique touch.


Backend Infrastructure

All Fuse apps share infrastructure for things like backend hosting, backup, authentication, CI/CD, build, test, roll-out, monitoring, debugging, upgrades, push notifications and analytics. This means your app lives in a mature, high quality environment, where issues are caught and fixed as early as possible.


Monorepo approach

The Fuse Platform is a monorepo where apps live alongside the components they are built with. This means all apps are continuously upgraded as the platform evolves and gains new features and bug fixes. Due to TypeScript being used religiously, we can safely refactor features while apps depend on them. We believe this approach can scale to hundreds of apps.


Monitoring and analytics

Fuse automatically logs and monitors issues occurring in your apps. This enables us to fix problems quickly and efficiently, often without the need for bug reports from the users.

The platform also collects usage data to help analyze what features are being used, by who, when and how. This informs how the app can be improved in future versions to reach your business goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my app and my code if I choose to cancel my Fuse App Subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, Fuse stops shipping updates to your app. The last version of your app stays live on the app stores as long as the backend and infrastructure it depends on stays live.

Fuse can export a TypeScript+React Native code base containing just your app and the components it depends on, which can be forked and taken in a new direction. We call this an “eject”. While possible, it is rarely something we recommend, as we will not be able to take forked code back into our maintenance model later.

We have already developed an app but are looking for new developers to maintain it. Can you take over the code base and maintain it for us?

Many customers come to us in this situation - you are not alone.

“Developed an app” can mean several things - so let’s break it down:

  • If you have developed a prototype (click-prototype or real implementation) that is now ready to be taken to the next level, you have come to the right place!

  • If you have a working backend (and perhaps a web interface?) for your app today, we are likely able to reuse it. We can build a mobile app reusing the same business logic.

  • We do not take over other people’s frontend app code - this would not scale or give any of the benefits our platform offers. However, porting an existing app to the Fuse Platform is usually not that much work. We often include the initial porting work in your app subscription, meaning it typically doesn’t matter in terms of cost.

Is the Fuse Platform based on Fuse Open?

No, not anymore. As of 2020, all our clients are migrated to no longer depend on Fuse Open.

We are proud to have built Fuse Open with the unique UX markup language and tooling, and a revolutionary approach to layout and animation. The project still lives on as an open source solution, but Fuse no longer offers commercial support for it.

Due to tough competition from free alternatives, we made the decision in 2018 to switch our strategy from competing with React Native to building technologies that are complementary to it. You can read all about our rationale for pivoting here.